2015 Recap, And How I Plan to Crush 2016

I’ve been dying to write a blog post to recap 2015 for some time, but with my workload and travel, I haven’t really been able to get away from working to reflect on what’s probably been my greatest year ever.

But never fear – I finally locked myself in a room and found the time to put a year of victories, failures and hustling on paper. And yep, you read that correctly. I’m writing this blog post on a physical piece of paper (what’s paper…?). It’s actually the only way I can fully remove distractions and have a clear head these days, but more on that later…

So here we go – here’s what happened during my best year ever, as well as what I’m planning to do next:

2015 Recap

For starters, check out this video I put together on my big year. Stay with me, as it’s loaded with metrics and numbers. Video notes below:

Let me start by saying that I hit my three major goals for 2015:

  1. Be everywhere (as determined by how many people tell me I’m everywhere).
  2. Connect with or help one person a day (I actually connected with 368, of which 21 are now great friends, and 3 of whom became my partners in new companies).
  3. Push my limits by working 13.3 hour days (basically, 80-hour weeks) every day in 2015.

Another major win for me was discovering Slack groups. I’m now in more than 20 groups, and this is by far my favorite marketing tactic/growth hack ever. Because of my participation, I can connect with practically anyone I want through one of my groups.

Here’s a rough round-up of the impact my 80-hour work weeks had on my major projects:

When I Work

  • Grew our blog to 500,000 monthly visitors
  • Grew our leads to 20,000+ new trials per month
  • Hacked PR and, as a result, drove more than 100 mentions a month on major publications
  • Created an online community with a few hundred people – and even better, they’re active! Our average users post several times a day, which is a much better engagement rate than I’ve seen in most online communities.

My Personal Projects

  • My ebook, 100 Days of Growth, sold 23,000+ copies and continues to sell 14 copies a day. For more details on how I did it, check out my slide deck.
  • ContentMarketer.io has 250 customers, with 500+ new leads a month, all of which come from content marketing and WOM.
  • Narrow.io now has over 1,000 customers. 70% of our business comes from WOM; the rest comes from content marketing.
  • I launched Notifier, a free tool for promoting your content on Twitter, which already has 500+ users.


  • My personal blog generated 98 leads in 2015 that resulted in 7 consulting engagements totaling $198,000 in revenue.
  • I was also able to refer out 19 leads to my trusted network (people and companies I’ve personally vetted that do content marketing, SEO, PC, and various other marketing services). In total, they closed $1.05 million in revenue
  • I started a private dinner series called Growth.Chat (10-15 person dinners around the world). I’ve already had 8 dinners and connected with 100+ awesome people, 50+ of whom I communicate with weekly through my Slack group

Personal Branding (aka, my chance to humblebrag)

The Good and Bad

On the bad side of things, I gained 17 lbs of fat in 2015 and lost pretty much all of my health and fitness habits as I focused on growing my companies and traveling. It was a huge sacrifice, but worth it.

On the good side, though, I finally fulfilled my 10-year-old self’s dreams of buying a car with doors that open up (BMW i8).

What’s Next in 2016?

  • I’m currently in the process of finding my replacement at When I Work. It’s been amazing to work with Chad Halvorson (I moved all the way to Minnesota to learn from him) and the When I Work team, but I’ve found that I can’t effectively manage the company’s marketing needs remotely from Austin and run two other startups (not to mention my 15 other projects…). A blog post coming soon on my learnings from interviewing 100s of candidates.
  • Investing in more content. Creating content helped me get on TV and radio, land major public speaking gigs and drive over 98 leads worth $1.05 million in revenue. It’s clearly working for me.
  • I’m planning to branch into more video. Soon, I’m going to be starting a series of short 5-minute videos where I share all the things I learned the hard way. If you have any suggestions on what I should cover, send them my way.
  • One of the 368 people I helped last year started a company called Quuu.co. I used it a few times, became a customer, fell in love with it, and now I’m an advisor. It’s an awesome solution to fill your social media feed, and I’m looking forward to investing even more into it in 2016.
  • Less work, more fun. I’m exhausted and mentally tapped. It’s time for me to scale back a bit and live a little (jump out of planes & race cars).
  • I’m going to continue connecting with and helping more people. No agenda – I just want to see what comes from these interactions.
  • Content Marketer.io is launching a content marketing course that’ll teach everything I know about content marketing. I’ll be sharing more details here as they’re available, but trust me, it’s going to be awesome.
  • More speaking engagements and in-person workshops. Besides what I’m doing with Content Marketer, I want to teach everything I know, and being a part of events like this is a great way to do it.
  • I’ll be launching Version 2 of 100 Days of Growth, as well as a Portuguese version of Content Marketing Playbook.
  • Finally, I’ll be purging everything that didn’t work for me in 2015. This removes 15-20 things I do regullarly that simply isn’t providing enough of an ROI to justify my time.

And now, some helpful advice for you…

  1. Invest in content marketing. RIGHT NOW.
  2. Be about action, not about talking. Anybody can talk a big game, but it’s those that put things into action that come out ahead.
  3. Build your 1,000 raving fans. Or your 100 fans. I’ll take a small audience of engaged advocates over a huge crowd of people who don’t really care about you any day.

How did your 2015 go? What are your priorities for this year? Leave me a comment sharing how you’re planning to crush it in 2016:

Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing Strategist

I build and grow SaaS companies.

“When it comes to marketing, Sujan is the best. I’ve never met someone with such creative tactics and deep domain knowledge not just in one channel, but in every flavor of marketing. From content, to scrappy guerrilla tactics, to PR, Sujan always blows my mind with what he comes up with.”

RYAN FARLEY Co-Founder of Lawn Starter

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Nicholas Scalice 117 months ago

Dude, this is such an epic recap! Thank you for mentioning my podcast. The growth hacking tools interview with you remains one of my absolute favorite episodes thus far. Here’s to crushing 2016!

Sujan Patel 117 months ago

Thanks Nicholas! I had a blast chatting with you during my podcast interview 🙂

Luiz Centenaro 117 months ago

Sujan you are a beast and make me want to hustle. Keep on inspiring us to do big things! Thank you.

Sujan Patel 117 months ago

Aw shucks! Thanks Luiz.

Eddy Baller 117 months ago

Inspiring. One question: having written so many articles, how did you market them as well? Or was it the fact that you already have a big audience and the post just helped grow the existing audience?


Sujan Patel 117 months ago


that’s a great questions. With the larger publications you don’t need to do much promotion because they have an audience. With smaller blogs or my own properties I do a lot of promotion & outreach. And there are endless ways to market a piece of content: http://blog.contentmarketer.io/100-content-promotion-tactics/

The audience I have now is a result of the marketing of content.

Eddy Baller 117 months ago

Thanks. Checking out the link.

Joe Waters 117 months ago

Long time reader, first time commenter. Awesome stuff, Sujan. So much to learn from your domination. But take care of yourself….we want to learn from you for a long time! 😉

Bhuboy de Leon 117 months ago

Congratulations on all your achievement, and good luck on 2016 plans. I am new to entrepreneurship, and decided to start with online business, since I can do this while still having my job. I hope it will be soon that I could be able post like this

Agent Green 117 months ago

WOW – amazing recap, so much achieved – all the best for this year & beyond. Thanks for the knowledge and inspiration you provide.

Deborah Kay 117 months ago

Half a million blog views? That’s amazing congrats!!!
What were your 20 A-Ha Moments??? Can’t leave us in the lurch like that….!!

Alex Flom 117 months ago

Amazing accomplishments. But just like you said, it’s after all about what these accomplishments mean to you, quality rather than quantity. Planning this year to continue sharing in our blog our startup’s journey to 1,000 users and continuing to build an engaged community.

Ben 117 months ago

Sujan this is awesome! Thanks for sharing what it takes to get on your level. Puts things into perspective! Congrats on the new car 🙂

Sujan Patel 117 months ago

Thanks Ben 🙂

Ashton 117 months ago

Great post! Congrats, Sujan 🙂 Quick question – how did you hack PR to drive 100+ mentions in major publications?

Darren DeMatas 117 months ago

Congrats to you!

Doyan Wilfred 117 months ago

Wow! Awesome. Thanks for sharing your success secrets. Agree with the comment above. It puts things into perspective.

Kathy Davies 114 months ago

What a year! We are so excited to have you speak to our class at Stanford this week and to hear more of your story. Congratulations on hard work well spent!

Sujan Patel 114 months ago

Thanks Kathy! Look forward to speaking to the class 🙂
