Back in 2014, I read Keith Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time cover-to-cover several times, along with Jayson Gaignard’s book, Mastermind Dinners: Build Lifelong Relationships by Connecting Experts, Influencers, and Linchpins.

More importantly, I started acting on what I’d learned. Everywhere I traveled, I invited 5-6 strangers and 1-2 friends to dinner to catch up. As a formerly-timid guy, this didn’t exactly come naturally to me. Before I started doing speaking engagements around the world, the thought of being in a room full of hundreds of people made me feel totally overwhelmed. I’d just shut down, which meant conferences and networking events weren’t really an opportunity for me at the time.

I’ve always been best one-on-one (or one-on-a-few-people), so small dinners made sense. Over the last two years, I connected with more than 500 people by throwing 40+ dinners, spending close to $50,000 in the process. Even today, I still spend almost $2,000 a month hosting dinners, and I’m happy to report that doing so has had a huge impact on both my professional network and my comfort level talking to new people.

(As a funny side note, the people I’ve gotten to know through these events might think I’m totally into fine dining, but my favorite restaurant – if you can call it that – is actually Taco Bell. I’m a very picky eater, so the fancy dinners I throw are more for my friends and network than they are for me.)

Here’s how you can grow your network the same way.

Step 1. Make a list of all the people you want to meet

Sit down right now and think about everyone in the world you want to connect with. Don’t limit yourself by thinking, “Oh, that person would never want to meet with me.” Put the big fish on your list, along with anyone else you’re hoping to work with in the future.

Think broadly. Don’t just think about influencers in your industry. Are there sports stars that inspire you? Authority figures in other niches you love following? The bigger your list, the more opportunities you’ll find to connect with influencers wherever you travel.

Step 2. Map your list to your travel plans

A few days before you go on your next trip, go back through your list and make a note of any influencers who live or work in the city you’ll be traveling to. Then, make a separate list of people you know in the city (ideally, people you can confidently say will meet up with you if asked).

As you’re planning your guest list, don’t get too far ahead of yourself. Generally, I like to keep my dinners to 6-8 people, though I’ve done events with as many as 10-15. Remember that the more people you have, the harder it’ll be to talk to everyone. The last thing you want is for people to leave feeling like they never really had the chance to connect with you.

Step 3. Message your friends and target influencers

With your list in hand, email the people you know first and let them know that you’re throwing a dinner in their city. In my case, I pitch it as a dinner for marketers and entrepreneurs; that tends to get people excited so that I know I’ll have at least a few people committed.

Then, email the people you don’t know that you want to meet. Introduce yourself and invite them to come to dinner on you. Make it clear that there isn’t an agenda to the meeting. You’re just in town and looking to connect with like-minded people who might enjoy each other’s company.

If you aren’t sure how to reach certain influencers, a warm introduction is your best friend. Ask existing members of your network if they can help, the way Chris Brogan invited marketer Dorie Clark to attend a dinner being hosted by Canadian entrepreneur Scott Oldford. In a Forbes article written by Clark, Oldford shared the thought process behind his invitation approach. “Whenever I’m going somewhere, I’ll reach out to random people and people I know in the area,” he says. He makes sure they are not trying to push an agenda. “I want to make sure they’re not trying to pitch people.”

Step 4. Make a dinner reservation

I’m partial to Italian restaurants for these types of dinners because they usually have big tables and private rooms available. However, any well-reviewed restaurant with enough space for your small group to have a semi-private experience will work.

Step 5. Be a good host

I like to invite a few people I know to arrive early so that we can catch up before the dinner kicks off. Even if you choose not to do so, arrive early. Don’t make your guests sit around waiting for you and wondering if the dinner really will be worth their time.

As your guests arrive, introduce them to each other and share personal stories that give guests something to start a conversation with. If you have two entrepreneurs, for example, and you know one just closed a funding round, share that with the other to give them a natural jumping-off point.

I also like to make it clear throughout the dinner that the people I’ve invited can reach out to me for help any time. Nobody has ever taken advantage of that offer, and – like Hiten Shah, who argues that helpfulness is one of the best assets brands have – I’ve found it’s an easy way to get great relationships started.

Finally, this should go without saying, but stick to your “no pitch” word, and make sure your attendees do the same. Launching into a sales pitch when you’ve sworn not to is a serious breach of etiquette that’ll trash the relationships you’re working so hard to build.

Step 6. Share your contact info

At the start of each dinner, I like to give guests my phone number so that we can stay in touch after the event (and so they know I’m serious about it being a non-salesy, relationship-building thing).

Afterwards, I send out an email to everyone who attended and invite them to join my Slack group to stay in touch. Not only does that help my guests, it’s been a great resource for me as well. Now, if there’s anyone I want to get in touch with in the world, it’s virtually guaranteed that someone in my group can make the introduction.

Step 7. Arrange one-on-one meetings after the event

Sometimes, I meet people at my dinners that I want to get to know more. Maybe they’re entrepreneurs with great ideas, or maybe they’re marketers who have unique insight into strategies I haven’t heard about before.

Regardless, I’ll shoot an email to those people to arrange to follow up with coffee sometime later in my trip. It’s a great way to build deeper connections than can be achieved in a single dinner alone.

Step 8. Lather, rinse, repeat

I do this every time I travel, and you should too. Think about it: you’re already going to be there. Why not spend a little extra time getting together with interesting people who could help you down the road?

Now, though, I want to hear from you. Do you make an effort to meet new people when you travel? Would you ever consider doing a formal dinner series like this? Leave me a note with your thoughts in the comments below:

Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing Strategist

I build and grow SaaS companies.

“When it comes to marketing, Sujan is the best. I’ve never met someone with such creative tactics and deep domain knowledge not just in one channel, but in every flavor of marketing. From content, to scrappy guerrilla tactics, to PR, Sujan always blows my mind with what he comes up with.”

RYAN FARLEY Co-Founder of Lawn Starter

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Jason Yeh 101 months ago

Hey bud – long time no talk!

I agree small dinners are amazing ways to meet people and establish relationships. I’ve done it less deliberately on a personal scake when I want to have a fun saturday night out with good people. I’ve also done it sponsored and hosted by the firm I work for. Both are very successful.

Curious to know, when you host a dinner are you springing for the whole bill? I kinda gathered that was the case given your intro describing how much you’ve spent, but you don’t ever mention that dynamic in your step by step so wanted to double check. I feel like unless you mention the dinner is sponsored or something like that, it might be confusing to the guest.

Sujan Patel 101 months ago

Hey Jason,

Great to hear from’s been too long 🙂

I’ve done a mix of sponsored, covering the bill myself and guest paying for their own meals but found that it didn’t really make a difference in the outcome of the dinner. I usually attempt to pay for the dinner myself and let everyone know at the start of the dinner but most of the time my guest insist on chipping in.

Mark 101 months ago

Good post. I ran into an entrepreneur recently who decided to host a dinner party for clients and prospects before a major conference. He got more a big deal from someone who didn’t even look at alternative solutions, simply because he “threw a good dinner”.

Sujan Patel 101 months ago


Awesome! Building relationships go a long way 🙂

Nell Yang 101 months ago

Hi Sujan,

Thank you for sharing these practical steps. Actually, I am a timid person too. I did not realize and missed the chance to connect with people during some dinners my friend hosted. My question is that some connections met during dinner, how do I keep on track with them?

I met people and forgot about them and got forgotten. Do you have an suggestions?

Thank you!

Sujan Patel 101 months ago


Add them on Linkedin and/or on Facebook. This used to happen to me in the early days and I simply added the person on Linkedin along with a note saying “Great to meet you at tonights dinner. Let’s keep in touch”

Sascha 101 months ago

I like the idea, but what do I do if I don’t have any friends in this cities?

Sujan Patel 101 months ago

If you don’t know people in the city you’ll probably want to start by hosting smaller dinners of about 4-5 people. All you really need is 1 to 2 people to commit. From there you can ask if they know anyone else you should invite.

Pieter Hordijk 101 months ago

Hi Sujan,

Interesting article you wrote, thanks for sharing!
I am actually organizing a lot of dinner party’s at my home.
I invite strangers and friends to let them mingle to share food, recipes and stories.

Also I see this as a great networking tool, but deep down I feel paying for others to join your dinner feels somewhat impersonal. almost like bribery. What are your thoughts on this?

I believe that when you open your house the atmosphere is more friendly and ‘home like’
And of course I can cook deliciously 🙂

Would you join my dinner?

Cheers, Pieter

Sujan Patel 101 months ago


Thanks! That’s awesome that you’re hosting dinners at your house. Opening up your house can definitely make things more intiment and can help build a personal connection faster.

In regards to your question, Paying for the dinner isn’t the core part of the dinners and isn’t the focus in my communication with the guest (unless the guest explicitly asks). I’m not really asking for anything in return for attending besides talking/connecting with other smart people so I don’t think people perceive it as bribery.

Doug Crowe 101 months ago

When is your next dinner in Bangkok, NYC or Chicago? I’ll be sure to bring something interesting to the event. 🙂

Sujan Patel 101 months ago

Hey Doug,

I just in NYC about a week ago. No plans for NYC or Bangkok for the year but there’s always next year 🙂

I’ll ping you the next time I’m in town.

Daniel Wallock 101 months ago

Hi Sujan,

Great article! Totally going to read Keith Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone. 🙂 I’m trying to build more relationships and dinner parties sound like the perfect way to do just that. Fun and casual.

Also, just wanted to say I’m always inspired by your content. You add value all over the web. I see you everywhere and I like it! I’ve been watching your Youtube videos and also sending them to my clients from time to time. They like your videos too.

Thanks, Daniel

Sujan Patel 101 months ago


THANK YOU! I’m glad you’re enjoying my content and even more excited that you’re taking action 🙂

Daniel Wallock 101 months ago

Of course! 🙂 I want to produce great content so I’m reading your work closely! Have a great week!

Marc NIAMBE 101 months ago

Hi Sujan,

First; thanks for this post, you always give us great content.
But, yes there is a but , i have a little question.

I’m an Introvert guy, how can i deal with this ‘problem’ in the Step 5?

I can’t wait to read your advice. 🙂


Sujan Patel 101 months ago
Marc NIAMBE 101 months ago

Thanks for taking time to respond to me. I will start today
